The 3rd Spine Case Speech Contest came to an end

The 3rd Spine Case Speech Contest came to an end on 8th.- 9th.December,2023 in Xi’an.Yang Junsong, deputy chief physician of the lumbar spine ward of the Spinal Disease Hospital of Xi'an Honghui Hospital, won the first prize of the eight competition areas across the country.


The Orthopedic Case Competition is sponsored by the "Chinese Orthopedic Journal". It aims to provide a platform for orthopedic surgeons across the country to exchange clinical pathology, showcase the style of orthopedic surgeons, and improve clinical skills. It is divided into multiple sub-professional groups such as the spine professional group and the joint professional group.


As the only spinal endoscopic case, Yang Junsong demonstrated the minimally invasive cervical spine surgery case of "Spinal Endoscopy Combined with Ultrasonic Osteotomy 360° Circular Decompression to Treat Bony Cervical Intervertebral Foraminal Stenosis". During the question-and-answer session of the expert group, his solid professional theory, clear thinking, and ingenious surgical planning and skills won unanimous praise from the judges. Finally, he won the national championship in the spine specialty.


Post time: Jan-12-2024